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Etix Integration

How to set up the Etix integration, troubleshooting tips, and linking tickets.

Rosie Scanga avatar
Written by Rosie Scanga
Updated over a week ago

Prism integrates with Etix to pull in all of the sold ticket numbers into a Prism event to quickly settle a show.

How to Set up the Integration

Notify Etix ([email protected]) and [email protected] that you would like to gain access to the Etix integration. Permissions must be set up by the Etix Client Services team before you can integrate with Prism. The user that is setting up the integration in Prism should be the email address set up with permissions from the Etix team. Please ask them to enable the permission to Prism and then let the Prism team know when that step is complete.

  1. Once you have notified Etix and received the permissions in Etix to integrate, go to Settings and then the Web Integrations tab and click the "Connect" button next to Etix. You must be an admin in Prism to access the Web Integrations tab.

  2. Authenticate via Etix to connect the integration.


  • It is recommended to use one Etix login to enable the integration in Prism. Using multiple Etix logins in the same Prism account can cause re-authentication issues, causing other users to be logged out of the integration.

  • Only one Etix account can be linked with a Prism account, but if there are multiple venue IDs under the same Organization in Etix, linking the account will enable you to link tickets from those venues.

Troubleshooting Etix Integration

If you find that the integration is not updating as expected, click the "Refresh Now" button.

If that does not resolve the issue, disconnect the integration in Settings > Web Integrations, by clicking the "Disconnect" button, and re-authenticate following the corresponding set up steps above. Only Prism admins have access to Settings > Web Integrations. When the integration is reconnected, all previously connected shows will sync back up. Reconnecting the integration typically resets the data and resolves any issues.

If the error message says "Organization has not installed tokens for etix" you must reconnect the integration in Settings > Web Integrations.

Please confirm that the user connecting the integration in Prism is the user that has the permission from Etix.

If you are still experiencing issues after these steps, contact [email protected].

How to Link an Individual Event

Once you have connected the integration in Settings, you will have the option to "Link Tickets" on the Revenue tab on any Confirmed event. This will allow you to pull in Sold ticket counts from Etix into Prism. Sold tickets will update from Etix every few minutes and you can always use the "Refresh Now" button to pull the most up to date ticket counts.

Mapping Individual or Combined Sales Channels

You have the option to map tickets from Etix and display the Individual Sales Channels to see the detailed version of how each ticket was sold or you can map Combined Sales Channels to see tickets grouped by ticket tier.

You must choose tickets from either the Individual Sales Channel section OR the Combined Sales Channel section. If you choose tickets from both, there is a risk that ticket sales numbers will be doubled.

In the simple example below, there is only one ticket tier "Individual" but it is broken into two channels "Internal" and "Online." To see all tickets sold in one tier, choose the Combined option and select the "Individual" tier. To see how many tickets sold by channel, choose the Tiers Separated by Sales Channel options. Let's say you sold 5 tickets online and 5 via the internal option, each sales channel tier would show 5 ticket sold. If you chose the Combined tier, it would should 10 sold.

There are a couple options for linking tickets to a ticketing platform (1) map Prism ticket tiers to Ticket platform tiers or (2) create new ticket tiers with ticketing platform tiers.

(1) Map Prism Ticket Tiers to Etix

The benefit of this option is that your existing ticket allotment, comps and kills will remain in the ticket table and as tickets sell, the sold ticket numbers will map to the appropriate tier in Prism.

  1. Build the event in Etix

  2. In Prism, click the "Link Tickets" button on the Revenue tab of the Confirmed event

  3. Choose which platform to link tickets from (Etix)

  4. Search for the event that you would like to link and select it

  5. Map the ticket tiers from the ticketing system to the ticket tiers in Prism by selecting which tiers to import with the checkboxes and selecting which tiers they should map to in Prism in the "Prism Ticket" column.

  6. Click Save. Prism will then update the tickets sold column as tickets are sold through the ticketing platform!

(2) Create New Ticket Tiers with Ticketing Platform Tiers

  1. Build the event in Etix

  2. In Prism, click the "Link Tickets" button on the Revenue tab of the Confirmed event

  3. Choose which platform to link tickets from (Etix)

  4. Search for the event that you would like to link and select it

  5. Select all tiers that you would like to import to Prism and click Save.

Notice that with this method, if the event had existing ticket tiers, they move to the "Other Tickets" section on the event. Either delete those ticket tiers or use the Other Tickets section to track paper tickets or tickets not sold via Etix.

How Tax is Handled

Prism will factor any Tax of the following types into the “Tax Passed to Customers” column on the ticket table if it is configured as an “Auditable” Price Component in Etix. Tax in the “Tax Passed to Customers” column will be deducted from the Actual Gross at settlement to arrive at the Net Gross and will be displayed on the settlement PDF.

  • Sales Tax

  • Etix Fee State Tax

  • Client Fee State Tax

  • Additional Taxes

  • Admission Tax

  • Box Office Fee State Tax

  • Live Entertainment Tax

Any Tax displaying in the “Tax Passed to Customers” column is calculated by Etix. If the Tax amount looks incorrect, please contact your Etix representative. If a Tax Rate is set on the Prism event but Taxes are appearing in the “Tax Passed to Customers” column, Prism will ignore the Prism Tax Rate and use the Tax being sent from Etix. If you have Tax configured in Etix and it is not displaying in the “Tax Passed to Customers” column, contact your Etix representative to change the Price Component settings to make the Tax “Auditable.”

If there are no Taxes in the “Tax Passed to Customers” column, Prism will use whatever Tax amount has been added to the Tax Rate field in Prism and display it in the “Tax Backed Out” column. This Tax amount will be deducted from the Actual Gross at settlement to arrive at the Net Gross and will be displayed on the settlement PDF. Adjust the Tax Rate to zero in Prism if you would not like to remove Tax from the Gross in this scenario.

How Fees and Rebates are Handled

Prism calculates Gross Ticket Price and Rebates based on how Price Components are configured in Etix. To update how Gross Ticket Price and Rebates are displayed in Prism, contact your Etix representative to make changes to their configuration in Etix.

Price Component Calculations

  • If the item is a Price Component (Type ID of 1 and green in etix)

    • And it is Auditable, then it will be a part of the Gross Ticket Price but it will not appear in the Fees column. Fees will only be deducted from the Gross Ticket Price in Prism if they are added as a Facility Fee in Prism or as a Pre-Settlement Fee.

    • And it is Not Auditable, it will not be added to the Gross Ticket Price and only be added to the Rebate column.

  • If the item is a Fee Component (Type ID of 2 and red in etix), then it will not be a part of the Gross Ticket Price.

    • And if it is Auditable, it will not appear in either Fees or Rebates in Prism.

    • And if it is Not Auditable, it will appear in the Rebate column in Prism.

Any fees that you want deducted from the Gross and displayed on the settlement need to be added in the Facility Fee field or as a Pre-Settlement fee in Prism.

Anything in the Rebates column will not appear on the artist settlement. Rebates will be added to the Internal Settlement as Additional Internal Revenue.

Etix update October 2023


  • I have been adding Rebates as an Additional Internal Revenue line item to factor them into my internal settlements, should I keep doing that?

    • With the update to the integration, the Rebate amount may now be pulled into Prism automatically. Check the rebate column in Prism on the Revenue tab to see if the total Rebates match your expectations. That total Rebates will automatically factor into Prism’s internal settlement. If that is the case, you do not need to include the Rebate as an Additional Internal Revenue line item (because it would then double count it against the Net Profit).

    • If Rebates are not appearing in the Rebate column and you would expect them to, work with Etix to adjust the Price Component to a Type 1 and make it Not Auditable or Type 2 and make it Not Auditable.

  • I have a “Client Fee” in Etix that is a Type 2 (red) price component and it is not pulling into Prism. How do I factor in the Client Fees into my internal settlement in Prism?

    • Anything that is a Type 2 (red) auditable price component will not appear in Prism’s Rebate or Fees columns. To add the amount to Prism, add it in the “Additional Revenue” section on the Revenue tab in Prism. This will be factored into the internal settlement.

    • Alternatively, you could change the Client Fee to a Type 1 (green) not auditable price component in Etix. If it was configured like this in Etix, it would pull into the Rebate column in Prism.

    • Review the documentation above to adjust your Price Components with Etix to have the Client Fee displayed using the rules above.

  • I want to see Facility Fees on my settlements, how do I do that?

    • As long as Facility Fees are configured as a Type 1, Auditable Price Component in Etix, the amount will be added to the Gross Ticket Price in Prism. To deduct it as a Fee and display it on settlement, add the amount to the Facility Fee field in Prism.

    • Note: If you add a Facility Fee to Prism and are keeping the Facility Fee revenue as additional revenue on the Internal Settlement, add it as an Additional Internal Revenue line item to account for it in the Internal Net Profit of the event.

For more information on Ticketing Integrations, visit this article.

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